Friday, February 6, 2009

Good Job, Political Derby!

This is an excerpt written by a friend of mine. I just have to plug Politcal Derby one time. It is a fun website. : )

"We interrupt this blog for a political post 

Friday, January 16, 2009 1:56 PM

I don't often (ever) cross post to my political work, but I thought this post might be amusing to some of you.


    Bush Haters, W’s farewell address, and a prediction
    Posted on January 16th, 2009 at 3:04 pm by Jason Wright, Editor

    I’m curious to know how many watched last night’s farewell address by President Bush. Certainly W can be called many things: Stubborn, dangerously loyal, the Word-Mangler-in-Chief. But he cannot be called phony. He is as authentic a president as we’ve had since Reagan, and you can argue he was even less polished and layered than the Gipper.

    It’s indisputable that we live in an unprecedented era of manufactured politics. Both parties are guilty of packaging and messaging their themes to the point that they resemble fast food. Nice commercials, free toys, most of their ideas look good on the menu, but they all give you terrible gas.

    And their leaders? They’re as authentic and honest as Barney Frank at a strip club. Bill Clinton? Phony. Mitt Romney? Too much glitz. Hillary Clinton? Poll-driven and spineless.

    And what about the likes of Trent Lott, Ted Stevens, John McCain? The right arm promises one thing, but the left is picking his nose and your pocket. Sure, these intellectual midgets would like you to think they’re the real deal, agents of the people, standing at times for the best interests of their constituents. Right. And Nancy Pelosi is religiously opposed to face lifts."

Right on!

Though I normally view references to 'gas' with terrible disdain, I'll let it slide just this once. : )

Check it out! I especially enjoyed the 'Photo of the Day' idea.

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