Saturday, March 7, 2009

An Exhange

H.R. 45: Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009 (


A bill in the U.S. Congress: To provide for the implementation of a system of licensing for purchasers of certain firearms and for a record of sale system for those firearms, and for other purposes.

"Once this bill becomes law, you'll need a license before you can exercise your 2nd Amendment right to obtain a handgun.
I wonder what would happen if Congress tried to require that you get a license before exercising your 1st Amendment rights?"

Dot, dot, dot. . .

"I might feel differently about the licensure for exercising First Amendment rights if words and pictures were as capable of killing as firearms."

Etc, etc. . .

"And I think you're making an awfully big leap to think this will become a law. Something like the Stimulus bill can go on a straight party line vote, but there's no way something like this bill would. Too many moderate Dems and Republicans that will sway one way or the other. Plus there's plenty of crap McConnell can do in the Senate without 60 votes against him. This might get a vote there in 2011."

"The most comforting thing I find in this potential legislation is that I am sure, absolutely sure!! (like all of you should be) that the current administration will be able to assure - even guarantee - that EVERY American, good guys like me and bad guys like rapists and muggers and home invaders will go get the license. Oh, and that any licensee will use such license and weapon for the protection of others not to do any harm. I'm sure after such a great law is enacted there won't be a soul in the country possessing any firearm without a license. I also hope to see the President and his family out in public without the protection of firearms, because after all there won't be any threat to their lives by an unlicensed firearm user."

"Maybe they could give the secret service guys mace, or something. . . maybe really heavy flashlights."

"And whatever is Hollywood going to do when firearms are no longer politically correct? All those sexy action movies. . . I mean, James BOND!"

"He definitely has a license."

"As, I'm sure, do all the bad guys. Sounds like effective legislation. I feel like it's Obama and crew out and out saying "Yes, we CAN take away your 2nd Amendment rights." Let's make it as difficult as possible for law-abiding citizens to obtain protection for their homes and families, while all the bad guys will have whatever weapons at their disposal, because that is simply the nature of things. I will NOT leave my family defenseless. Sportsman's Fast Cash, here I come! Hmm, also might buy Charlie's 30 ought 6 back from our neighbor down the street. I wouldn't move to Phoenix, but if you do, and when those 'bad guys' are breaking down your door, I'll gladly lend it to you. . ."

"Do you guys remember the days, back in HS, during hunting season, or not, when you'd drive to school with your rifles mounted in the cab of your pick up? Doubt that'd be tolerated anymore. Slowly, but surely, our rights are being stripped away. . . I ask you, why should I have to have a license to exercise my Constitutional rights? Isn't the fact that this is the central document, upon which all of our country's law are based, enough?! And why should it be concealed? I've never killed anybody. Why should I hide my weapon? Is it gonna freak somebody out? Realistically, crime would drop if everyone packed them some heat. It's just common sense."

"Food for thought: If your teacher were strapping a Glock, and you could see it, would you mess with him? Doubtful. Anyway, you'd be a little more hesitant than some of the disturbed teenagers we've heard about these past few years. . I have some beef with schools not allowing firearms on campus. Number one, it goes against the Constitution. Number 2, the very idea is ridiculous! They're sitting ducks! Ever think, if the teachers at that unfortunate HS in Colorado had been required, or simply had had the OPTION, of choosing to carry firearms and thereby protecting their school, classroom, students, that maybe a few more of those kids would've had a shot, literally, at survival while attempting to acquire an education? As it was, many people, most of them children, died, because of an obvious lack of preparation. I think every teacher should be asked to take a gun safety class, and also to carry a firearm while on campus, whatever the learning institution, in order to protect against possible uprisings. If some crazy kid gets out of line, there they would be to take care of it, and to protect the life of your child.

And what is the cause of such behavior? Let's get down to the real issue here, the unbelievable onslaught of negative, violent programming/movies/videos games, which cleeeeaarrly affects and influences the young mind, and certainly does not promote peaceful behavior. Perhaps we could spend some of the 'stimulus money' on programs to eliminate drug use! Maybe we could go retro and acknowledge the existence of right and wrong, something that seems to be regarded as old school or outdated. It's still in effect, y'all! Right is right, and wrong is wrong, however ya wanna slice it. I know it's ain't politically correct, but that's the way it is. All of my 7 kids are going to be taught these principles, and hopefully pass them along to their own children.

Schools should be institutions of learning indeed, where we can feel protected, relatively safe, and be able to concentrate on our studies.

Oh, and FYI, nowhere in the Constitution does it mention anything about concealment of 'arms'. Just the right to keep (have) them, and bear (carry) them. Meddling with these freedoms/rights is just not smart. We're just a couple of notches up/away from what happened to the citizens of Germany right before World War 2. They took guns away from the people. How'd that work out again. . ? Hmm. . . Exactly. And that's where we're headed, if we stand idly by, and do nothing about some of this ridiculous, oppressive legislation that is being proposed. Squelch it now, make it stop, retain your rights, and protect your families."

Something important to think about.


Anonymous said...

Technology really has become one with our daily lives, and I am fairly certain that we have passed the point of no return in our relationship with technology.

I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Societal concerns aside... I just hope that as memory gets less expensive, the possibility of uploading our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's a fantasy that I dream about all the time.

(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=]R4[/url] DS QDos)

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