Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday Night

Well, at last! It’s just the four little kids and me! Ha ha ha!

Laena’s off at a movie with Diego and Melissa, Clint’s out walking with Hanna, Eric’s at work, and Charlie’s supervising a Scout campout out at Horseshoe Springs.

Semi-dramatic exhale. . . (sigh)

I’m so glad that the end-of-the-school year craziness is finally over and done with! Things were WAY out of hand! But now they are finally winding down. . . Technically, Tommy should probably be with his dad, camping, but he did turn 14 last week, so we left it up to him.  : ) These kids are getting so big. . . .

Recently, the weather has been unseasonably cool. . Cool and cloudy. With lots of rain. Not so much fun when you’re trying to air out a tent. . . Open-mouthed If our lawn mower wasn’t broken, we’d probably be frustrated about that, too. But not right now. I’m too exhausted to be concerned about much of anything. Just wanna sleep. . . Hopefully, the evening will wind down soon. . . and these little buggers with it. They’re out of the tub, jammies on, watching a little Pink Panther. . . This would induce drowsiness in any adult!

Stretch, yawn. . . .

Well, we’ll see how it goes. But, for the most part, I’ve got what I wanted! What every Mama wants. . . .

Relative peace.

Thank goodness it’s Friday!

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