Thursday, June 18, 2009


This morning, driving Clint to Summer School, I was taken aback by the breathtaking beauty of the landscape all around me. Traveling east, driving back across the valley, I was struck by the light, and the colors, the joy of an early June morning in Utah. From my perspective, everything was fully lit by the morning sun. Sadly, I missed the best shot ever of the Jordan River Temple. Gloriously bathed in radiant sunlight, it shone as white and pristine as I’ve ever seen it, blue summer sky as it’s back drop, washed clean by the rain, white and gray clouds dancing contentedly together, set perfectly in the sky behind it. . . It was better than a renaissance painting! It was fabulous. FAB U LOUS. Wow, Mama!  : )

One of these days, I will finally learn to carry a camera. Just another piece of me, a mandatory appendage. That image of the temple. . . How do you duplicate something like that?! Photographers the world over wait years for the opportunity to capture an image like that! Chuckle. Wow. I’m just glad that I got to see it. . What a blessing! What a memory. Anyway, it’ll make for the start of a pretty good day!  : )

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