Wednesday, March 5, 2008


The Laenabug recently asked me to accompany her solo at the Chamber Orchestra concert.

"Yeah, we could do that." I said. "Sure. That'd be cool."

This is what I was thinking:

"Are you kidding me?! Learn new piano music? In a week and a half? With all that I have going on?! Aaahhhh! Blast!"

Okay, so my reaction wasn't right on. . . So maybe I tweaked it a little bit. . Sigh. We had a good time. Things went well, and I somehow retained my sanity. Huh. Wow.

Then the boy tells me that they're signing up for classes for next year at school. He wanted to take Fire Science at the Tech Center. . until he found out that it's all about fire fighting, not pyrotechnics.

This is what he said:

"Aw, gee. I want to start fires! I don't wanna put them out!"

Goodness. What were those people thinking. . not allowing teenage kids to practice putting explosives together on school property. . . Ha. Sorta reminds me of the time Clint called my husband Charlie on the phone over at the church. The Hubby Man was in a private meeting of sorts, discussing something about Scouting with a church leader. Our resourceful son Clinton, the pyrotechnic genius, looked up the number, called, interrupted, and unashamedly asked his Dad if he could use the blowtorch to melt some styrene in the garage for a bit. The Bishop clutched his chest. (Clint was maybe eleven or twelve at the time.) Charlie chuckled and said no. : ) He chuckled. This is what I have to deal with on a daily basis. And people wonder about my stress levels. It's amazing the kids haven't clean burned the house down. Ho ho ho.

Some of the stories we've heard from babysitters would curl your toes. (And I want you to know that we do, in fact, hide the matches. .) Tommy starting a candle fire in the bathroom and putting it out with a towel, (he got wax everywhere), Clint 'warming up' the Nintendo in the microwave, (it had been in the shed all winter), innocently surprised when the wires started sparking, (was he kidding?!) one of the kids 'planting' matches -red side up- in 2 or 3 of those big quart-sized candles, and lighting them all at once to see what would happen. . . I think Clint had to douse that mess (3 foot flame) with a bucket or 2 of water. . . Now keep in mind, this is all happening on our kitchen table. . . Yeah. Sigh again.

Yes, my friends, I just keep waiting to hear that loud, not so unexpected bang from somewhere on the premises. . .

If I find one more contraption involving old bottles, duck tape, and doctored up fireworks in this house. . .

Half-hearted chuckle. . . : )

Thank goodness we don't live in Wyoming.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I am glad you are all alive. It is good to hear about other families having disasters---I guess I am not alone!!!