Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Mason Children

Okay, here's the low down, the latest, on our kidlets:

Our daughter's a pseudo-life guard, (and lovin' it), at the Fun Center, complete with whistle and everything. Go Laenabug! Our son is a gamer, who happens to love weapons and super heroes. (Big surprise.) Recently, he spends a lot of time at Pizza Hut. His twin brother is a track star, and an animal lover, who has an affinity for . . chipmunks. And health food! Bizarre? I don't know. Our 3rd son is just floatin' along, doing his own thing, lovin' life and all the hip, fun things that come with Summer. He's sort of taken over Jaguar the cat, upon whom he lavishes unlimited affection. Our freckled, pink baby girl has just reached the age of accountability, and it's probably a good thing, too, because we can only take so much 'bouncy'!  : ) Always another project in the works. . Our 4th son, our little boy, aptly named 'Wilder', is beneficiary of perpetual, and once again unlimited, energy. Probably mine.  : ) He plays long and hard, and is always ready for the next grand adventure! Our Baby Boy Binky is a 'loving heart', according to Grammie Loper, and offers unconditional hugs to all he knows. Of course, he also likes to throw things at, I mean to, everyone who happens to be in the same room. . . He's got quite a good arm. . Maybe he'll be a professional baseball player someday. Who can tell?  : )

And that's where we stand today.

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