Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It’s Magical!

“Christmas, Christmas tiiime is here!  Time for joy and time for cheer. . .”

It’s all over the radio.

I am so disgusted to learn that Glenn Beck’s gonna be in town December 6th. Why, you ask? Aren’t I a fan? I’ll tell you why. Because December 6th also hosts Charlie’s Coca-Cola Christmas party, and Shawn and Michelle’s anniversary get-together. Unbelievable. Sigh. I suppose it’s typical . . for events to fall on the same day, for everything to happen at once. . . but how annoying!


And the Holiday madness . . begins!

Charlie will inevitably turn into the Grinch sometime around Thanksgiving, or the week after. . . He’s kind of got this Holiday ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ thing goin’ on. . I’m pretty sure it’s the combined stress of yet another birthday, and having to pull off, again, the annual Christmas extravaganza for his family . . of NINE. : )

Wow. When you say it out loud, it does seem a little bit overwhelming. . .

But nah. . . It’s all good. Everything will be okay. Because the magic of the season, the magic of Christmas . . sort of overrides any challenges that we may encounter, be they large or small. It happens every year. Something will come up, we’ll be wondering how to pull things off . . and then a somehow, a small miracle will occur, and make everything all right again. . . Maybe a neighbor will lend ya a snow shovel when yours snaps in half. . whatever! Puts the sparkle back in your eye, the spring in your step. . or simply gratitude back in your heart.

Christmas!  : )

1 comment:

Laura said...

So true. It's the little miracles of life that are big!!!