Monday, November 24, 2008


Saturday I spent the morning with Eric, picking up donations for his food drive Eagle Scout project. Already exhausted, you can imagine how excited I was about spending the rest of the day at Charlie's brother's big anniversary party. It turned out okay, pretty cute actually, but man, it's a blinking chore to get all those kids all ready for a Sunday-caliber event. The renewing of the vows. Probably me and Charlie will run down to Vegas, if we ever get that bug, like we should have done in the first place. It was fun, don't get me wrong. . but it seems like an awful lot of time and money spent, and a lot of annoying relatives to have to deal with. Just kidding. . Wink

Saturday night, being as I'd procrastinated again, something I'm just incredibly good at, I had to try to put together an activity, lesson, some sort of learning experience for 'singing time' on Sunday. Yiiiike. . .


Turned out pretty good, all things considered, but Mama didn't get enough sleep Friday, or Saturday, and was exhausted most of the weekend. This is why . . the Sunday afternoon NAP! : ) Yeah, Baby!

Thank Heaven the big kids had a get-together around seven. . .

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