Charlie and I walked in the door after our little trip up the canyon. I closed the door, we said hi to the kids. "How ya doin' Tommy?"
He looked up and grinned.
"Well, just as miserable as before. . . But I'm optimistic!"
Ha ha ha ha ha!
The other day, Clinton was picking on Eric, apparently trying to play Bart 'n Homer, only poor Eric was Bart. . "Why . . you . . little. . !"
Eric wasn't happy, and told me so. I was distracted.
"Be nice to your brother!" I yelled in Clint's direction. "Come here this second! You need to apologize right now. . and give him a smooch" I threw in/added for good measure. .
"I'd be okay with a hug, or a high five. ." Eric commented brusquely, while heading out the door. . .
Hee hee hee! Those boys are just hysterical.
Last night, at bedtime, Tommy last came out of the bathroom after brushing his teeth.
With a Frazier-esque air, he bellowed out "G'night Young'uns!" in his best 13 year old, recently deepened voice, before swaggering off to his room. Reading in bed, we were caught slightly off guard. . Couldn't help but chuckle.
Okay, we were Laughing Out Loud!
He's so dang funny! That boy makes me laugh. : )
Just now, Charlie and I were smooching in the kitchen. The kids were/are busy making cookies on the other side of the room. Tommy noticed, and in the midst of his instruction to Jefferson, said, not really under his breath. .
"And hey Jeffy. Go stop that war over there. ."
: )
Same thing happened the other day at Laena's birthday party. Except this time Boogsie's little friend Stephanie commented matter-o-factly, on her way out of the room. .
"That's nice to see. . Usually married peoples don't show affection. . ."
Snicker snort. Ha ha ha ha ha!
The baby is now just over 2 years old. Thomas overheard us talking about potty training. .
"You need to get him a potty trainer. . ." he interjected, cutting me off. (Naturally, I was thinking potty chair. .) "Kind of like a . . personal trainer?"
Sure. : ) Then light dawned. . Is there some kind of a service, someone we could pay. . ?
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