Wednesday, February 6, 2008

They Say The Best Things In Life Are Free

Sing it. . .

Charlie called a little while ago, and asked what I wanted for Valentine's Day.

"How 'bout. . . Niceness." I said thoughtfully. "Maybe some . . sensitivity."

We'd gotten in a little . . . argument last night about something stupid that I don't remember. Mostly due to frazzled nerves and mutual sleep deprivation.

"Where can I pick that up?" he asked.

I giggled.

He continued. "I don't think they sell that anymore. . " Indeed. How insightful.

"You're pretty funny." I responded, making polite conversation.

"Maybe I could check E-bay. . "

I could hear him smile. Sigh. If only every day were Valentine's Day. Bring on the flowers and expensive jewelry. . .

Just kidding. Don't wanna break the bank. Mostly we girls like to snuggle and talk. : ) Maybe go out to dinner. . .

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