Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I have just discovered that I am technologically impaired. Sigh. I borrowed Laena's cell phone, to try and text somebody a late 'Happy Birthday!', and I just couldn't seem to figure it out. Apparently my lack of literacy was irritating to my not-so-patient teen-age daughter. Instead of explaining the intricacies of mo-dren communication, she grabbed the phone, took over, and let those little thumbs of hers fly. . . I was not entirely amused, as I would, at some point, like to figure out -maybe even familiarize myself with- how to 'do' the texting thing. . . She wasn't interested, and commented that it wasn't important that I learn, considering that I don't currently have a mobile phone.

It wasn't pretty. You wanna light a spark, just say to me "It's not important that you know." Rowr, spit, hiss. Get ready for a fun time! : ) But, as is customary, and keeping with tradition, the very fact that I was so easily upset was an indication that yes, it is true. . I am, in reality, basically illiterate with regard to computers. . and other unnecessary, expensive gadgets popular with our young people today. When it comes to dealing with computers, I can turn one . . on, (ouch), I can email, and I can . . evidently . . blog. Shall I burst into tears? I sort of feel like it. I feel so inept. . . If I didn't have a programmer, gadget-friendly husband, who claimed the title of computer guru, I'm not sure what I'd do. But I also don't care, because of said technologically capable man. . . So, because of this little tiff with Laena, I am now somewhat motivated to go and get a cell phone. Maybe one of those little hot pink numbers. : ) But also, because I am so incredibly tired at this moment, right now I just don't care about . . texting, or much of anything else. . and I certainly don't want to shell out the 50 dollars a month. Besides, I only have 3 friends, and we're not so much phone people. : )

Yawn. . .

p.s. Charlie's has finally convinced me to use 'live writer' almost exclusively for blogging. . . Because, he explains, when you publish, it reaches more . . people, I guess. . . Pinging, he calls it. We shall see. : )

1 comment:

Amy Mason said...

I really should not blog after 11 pm. . . : )